3-0 feels pretty god damned good. However as a long suffering buills fan I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. It almost did yesterday, but this new bills team did something I'm not used to, coming up big when it mattered most. I'm not used to this and am not sure how to feel. Sure we won but am I being greedy for this next thought? How could we only beat the raiders on a field goal as time expires. But it felt really good to stick the football dagger in Al Davis' virtual heart.
Trent Edwards is the real deal, and Marcus Stroud is utterly awesome.
I think Donte Whitner and Marshawn Lynch are overrated.
Does it make me a bad fan to enjoy my favorite teams losing almost as much as them winning? I feel horrible, ok that is a bold faced lie. I love to feed off my friends suffering and they suffer so much at the expense of the bills and buckeyes. I wish I could lean over and lick their tears. I'm a posterchild for schaudenfreude. for example. I have several close friends who share the same affliction that is being a buckeyes fan with me. and when they were going to play usc I secretly hoped a little that they would lose, just because I KNEW how poorly these two unnamed friends would take it and I wanted to feed off their pain. OSU got killed and I'm feeling like I had a huge helping of sorrow turkey and angst stuffing with a nice anger gravy.
I was watching the Bills-Raiders game yesterday with a couple friends and a small part of me, the glutton, wanted to see them lose just to see the look on their faces to hear the empty tones in their voices and the pure hate and anger.
So again, bad fan or worst fan?
On luck and logging off
10 years ago
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