Ok so let's talk about me. I'm 33 and recently took the New York State bar exam and to float my extravagant, peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, lifestyle I had to find a job between the exam and when I might actually be able to start work, which would be February, if everything works out. Fingers are crossed.
Currently, I'm working as a something for a large health care company. I'd describe what I do, but to be honest 1. it is incredibly mundane, and 2. I don't know that I could explain it with the clarity that it truly deserves. Instead let me try to explain my typical day.
7:30-7:50 am: I wake up having lost quite a bit of real estate over the course of the night to my two dogs. I generally feel groggy, and have a sense of dread, but that usually hits when I wake up in the shower.
7:50-8:00 am: Here I shower do the necessary functions, washing, shampooing, trying to think of ways I could hurt myself and keep it looking like an accident. At my other jobs, working as a law clerk, this was not really a problem. I'd go over what I needed to accomplish that day. Not here. No, now I try to find ways to not go to work. Then the proverbial pie to the face slams with awe inspiring viciousness that I'm broke as shit and I HAVE to go to work. Which as you might imagine makes me feel even more trapped.
8:00-8:30am: Best part of my day, I get to pick out which one of my outstanding tie collection I'm going to wear, ted baker paisley, or huge boss pink? Hmm but again I'm reminded of where I work and how in the end for what I do, I could wear a pair of jean shorts and a "who farted" tshirt complete with singe marks. However, in my quest to rise above I put together a solid looking outfit, and that makes me feel slightly better about myself. But not about my day.
8:30-9:00 am: How the fuck is the drive this fucking long? are you serious? you can't be serious! I go john mcenroe on traffic and poor drivers.
9:00-9:50 am: here I come in and log on check my email and see that of the 35 I got, 3 actually pertain to me. Quietly I wonder why I was cc'd on this when for what I do I dont' actually need it. But fine, well that's going right to the trash. I look around the dingy light blue, cube and decide that I'm not going to decorate this, it is one of many acts of subversion that may only be noticed by me, but they a small boost. Then I go on to my task this usally takes about 30 minutes
9:50-end of day: try to look busy, walk quickly around the office carrying some paper, every so often I'll have to fax something. Usually, I spend time reading articles on alternet.org. I get furious about mccain and palin and simmer. I listen to loud conversations about next to nothing and wonder how these people can do this every day with no end in sight. Oh and everyone says hello, in an incredibly friendly, best day ever manner. I hate that. I generally nod in acknowledgement, again a small act of subversion. I spend lunch sitting in my car and listening to jim rome thinking about how I'm going to fill the next 3 hours until I go home and can enjoy nhl 09.
4:30-5:00 pm: see 8:30-9:00 am
Thanks for suffering through this with me, now help me help you get through your day. Post some comments stories anything worth reading. I'm going to fill this with whatever comes to mind. Possibly an ohio state comment, a bills comment, and maybe even some sabres talk.
On luck and logging off
10 years ago
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